Thank you for your thoughtful response, Dana. No, definitely not aware, although I am looking, continually seeking understanding. I will be following up on this topic of states and stages because it's got wider applications which the general public can more easily relate to. Back atcha again soon.

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So well written, Justin!

Clarity of understanding.

States and Stages... Being able to make a distinction is a revelation because it is actually a means to gauge permanent and significant growth. "A state is just a glimpse"!

Thank you for sharing this treasure trove with me.

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Thank you for your participation, Toni. Good to have you here.

Check out Trap 2- Seduction

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Beautifully written and you heard it correctly! Our putrid, problem-causing mechanisms were supposed to have been removed via therapy in the marathon room. Like most people initially I was in awe of Dean and Jack, but my awe faded as my skepticism rapidly grew. I think a fall from grace for someone in a position of power is a crippling one on many levels. For one, it destroys the trust one may have for their therapist/group leader. In many cases, people internalize this and blame themselves for "not getting it." Let's face it the truth can be very ugly at times and to realize that the people we put on a pedestal are only human like we are is a hard pill to swallow. You say, "There is but one way to get to the mountain: we walk!" That brought a smile to my face, but I do think in cases like mine, I crawled to that mountain and I'm still crawling.

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Wow…I’ve read it twice & will need to read it again (& perhaps once more) to take it all in. I have to say that, whether it’s in your nature or drawn from your experiences as a young adult with so many therapy groups, your ability to put your thoughts into the written word is extraordinary. You remark that feelings of elation faded in time after each session. Each of those frustrations clearly made an positive impact on your life, however. We’re you aware that you are brilliant? Well, you are.

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